Paul: I love you.
Me: You do?
Paul: Yep
Me: Even though I am nuts?
Paul: Nuts is a relative term.
We literally have this EXACT conversation every day.
Three reasons.
1- Sometimes I still get a little fluttery on the insides at the thought that he does. (Don't be grossed out. You know we're the gushy type.)
2- Frankly, there's a lot going on these days and in the deepest recesses of my heart, and sometimes much closer to the surface, I feel a bit batty.
3- Paul learned long ago that I get the biggest kick out of repeated conversations. They're an inside joke, and I love an inside joke---makes me feel all connected and whatnot. Another one goes like this:
On the phone:
Me: How are you?
Paul: Good. (Pause) How are you?
Me: Good. (Pause) How are you?
Paul: Good. (Pause) How are you?
Me: Good. (Pause) How are you?
But the trick to this one is making each "Good. (Pause) How are you?" have a completely different but superbly realistic intonation i.e. enthusiastic, friendly, awkward, grumpy, jovial, seductive, quizzical, skeptical, etc.
Try it. I dare you. How creative can you be?
And now I wonder.
How are you?