No one person could ever possibly teach another person ALL there is to know about a certain subject. Especially in the area of GIANT LIFE LESSONS. There's too much to learn and they're called life-lessons because you keep deepening your knowledge and understanding of them your whole life. That's what I think.
However, in this particular life lesson, my dad's teaching stands out. It has for a long time, and probably always will.
My dad taught me to work.
He taught me to enjoy it.
He taught me that to shirk it is cowardly.
That to perform it creates stability that allows happiness---peace even.
He taught me that to embrace it creates beauty.
That to avoid it creates problems (that some how always cost money, no matter what the nature of the problem.)
That to balance it is essential.
That to overdo it is much harder than many are willing to admit.
That there are few good excuses when it's sloppy.
That to rest from it is essential.
That it is the great leveler.
That some of the better compensations for it rarely involve money.
And because my dad was one of my most influential teachers of this subject matter, I would like to thank him.
Because I get it.
And I'm happy, in large part, because of it.
Thank you, Dad.